Some one once said that if one has nothing to die for, then one has nothing to live for. Very profound, but nonetheless, very true.
The venue: East Coast Park.
My watch showed 5.30am, and my heart rate was reading at 100 bpm. Despite the early hours, thousands of people had already gathered there. After my warm-up to get my body ready, the loud music and DJ in the background announced that it was time for the runners to gather.
It was a Sunday morning, 6am. While you were still in slumberland, four thousand men and women were getting ready to start a 10km run along East Coast.
The VIP took her position on the podium and sounded the air horn. I started my stopwatch, heart rate monitor registered at 120bpm and raced on. I would finish 54 minutes later, hitting my heart rate at 185. There and then when I finished, I savoured every moment of it. I may not be the first, or come in the first 10 or 100, but who cares! Man, I love it! I love the feeling of running among thousands of friends who were focused at finishing the race. I love the feeling of the early morning breeze blowing on my face throughout the run. I wouldn't exchange that for anything else in the world. The souvenir was a white towel, printed with the word "PASSION". How appropriate!
Venue: An old military base somewhere in the north of Taiwan, R.O.C
The time was already past 12 midnight. Alone, I took my handphone and charger up the slope to the technical workshop. Along the way, darkness engulfed me, the cold wind blew as the dogs howled. My army friends were all asleep in their respective bunks, but here I was, trying to get a 220V power plug, so that I can charge my handphone to call back home (Generally, Taiwan uses 110V AC). This was my fifth trip to Taiwan in my military tour of duty and countless trips up this slope to the workshop, but my heart was still racing fast. Not because of the hostile environment. I found the power point and plugged in the charger. Immediately, my handphone sprang to life. I punched in the International Direct Dialing number to Singapore and her phone number. This would connect me to a certain girl staying in Ang Mo Kio. For the next 30 to 45 minutes, we would talk about sweet nothings. By the end of my Taiwan's attachment, I would have chalked up close to $1, 000 (Sing dollar, not NT1,000!) of phone bills. 3 years later, she became my beautiful wife. 6 years have come and gone, we have Daniel and his brother will be born in 3 weeks' time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Many times, she would have her opinions and I would have mine. She would have her say and I would have mine, but we are united in one covenant. I love you, Shumei!
"Daddy, daddy! Come, I show you something!" Daniel would exclaim whenever he sees me coming home. He would then proceed to show off whatever Mummy or 'Wai Kong' (Grandfather) had bought for him. At 3 and a half years old, he is full of questions and tantrums. "Next time, you must share your toys with Di Di (little brother), ok?" I would tell him. "Ok, I will teach Di Di how to play toys," he would say. His favourite time would be bedtime reading. I will ask him to get a story book and snuggle up with me in bed, and for the next 15 minutes, I will read to him. Am I tired after a full day's work? You bet I am! But you know something? I would gladly do it everyday for Daniel. He completes my day.
What would I give up my life for? PASSION... The love of my life. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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