Tuesday, 13 November 2007

My 2 Boys

"Daddy, you have surprise for me?" Daniel will always ask me, whenever I come home.
"No, Daniel. Yesterday, Daddy bought you a new pack of Pokemon cards, and Mummy bought you a new Transformer toy, remember?"
"But, I don't have the new Power Ranger toy..."
And so the conversation will go on and on... For a 4-year-old, I've got to say that Daniel possess great debating skill, in that he'll strive to persuade both my wife and me to get him a new toy everyday. Not that he lacks anything (his toy boxes and cabinet extends all the way up from the floor to the ceiling in his room, and his wardrobe is fill to the brim with clothes), I guess I have to start by saying "no" to him.
As a trained primary school teacher who has gone through the theorithical aspect of child psychology, discipline, positive reinforcement, active communication and etc, etc... I have no problem handling other children. "Wait till you get your own children, it will be entirely different..." I remembered someone once told me. How true! Well, I guess my journey has just begun...

... And so the Circle of Life starts all over again... Brian is 4 months old, just learning to flip over and neck is just strong enough to support his head. But, I thank God that as compared to Daniel, Brian is more hardy as a baby (I remembered Daniel was in and out of hospitals and clinics numerous times before his First birthday), whereas Brian has yet to fall ill. However, as compared to Daniel, I've to confess that I spend less time with Brian. This could be due to the fact that the maid is always taking care of him, as compared to Daniel, when we have no domestic help then. Nonetheless, Brian is a very responsive and fearless baby, who will get stuck to whoever, whenever you carry him.

To Daniel & Brian: Daddy loves the both of you!

My Company's D & D

Date: 3rd Day of the 11th Month, Year 2007

Location: Harbour @ Furama RiverFront
Event: Pirates taking over the Pier!

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